A downloadable game

2 players, various tchotchkes (equal amounts per player, handsized or smaller), paper

reveal tchotchkes one at a time in turn. for each, collectively rate 1-5 on SHININESS, SENTIMENTALITY, STRANGENESS, and SEEMLINESS. write two pieces of barely-relevant rules text (e.g. +2 SHININESS against tchotchkes reminiscent of mollusks). write these down alongside dramatic title, drawing of tchotchke.

now battle. one player (winner) declares DOMINATING THEME, the other plays first tchotchke, then second plays theirs. highest total wins. if tied, highest DOMINATING THEME wins (subjective). use each tchotchke only once per game. most rounds won is overall victor.

keep rule sheets.


trinket-text-rules-expanded.pdf 20 kB